The wholesale distribution industry has annual safes of approximately $7 trillion, Wholesale distributors have served an important role in the distribution and flow of goods for well over 100 years and haw been a driving force in the economy, but the challenges they lace today are unprecedented and greater than ever before. As a reed*, some are struggling to maintain their market position, market share and sustainable profitability. Getting a working capital from your local Bank and had to wait weeks or months for an answer it can be very frustrated. There is a bride side H and J Capital will help you to get the best competitive terms and rates in the Merchant Cash. Advance industry. Apply is very fast and simple. Minimum documentation is requiring, no collateral and personal low credit won’t be a problem. A very fast turnaround for approvals and receiving the funds. After the offer is accepted it will take between 3 to 4 business days to get the funds wire to your Business account.
Getting a working capital from your local Bank can be very frustrated. You may have to wait weeks or even months for an answer. The bride side to working with H and J Capital Group is that we are here to help you get the best competitive terms and rates in the Merchant Cash Advance industry. Apply is very fast and simple. The documentation is minimal, no collateral and personal low credit is not a problem. A very fast turnaround for approvals and receiving the funds. After the offer is accepted it will take between 24 to 72 hours to get the funds wire into your Bank.